Interfaith Airport Chapels of Chicago    O’Hare Airport Chapel and Midway Airport Chapel
   PO Box 66353                      t:1-773-686-2636
   Chicago, IL 60666-0353        f:1-773-280-5288


Welcome! Each chapel is peaceful oasis in a busy airport; a place for silent prayer, as well as a place for worship and liturgies; and a place to bow your head in prayer while lifting up your heart and spirit. Prayer books, rugs, Rosaries, worship materials and Juma’ ablution (wudu) facilities are also available.

  • Holy Day Schedule

  • Thanksgiving Appeal letter

  • Donate to the Thanksgiving Appeal

  • News

  • Weekly Bulletin - & Lives of the Saints

  • Schedule of Weekly Masses and Worship Services

  • Holy Day and Holiday Masses and Services

  • Mass Intentions/Spiritual Bouquets
